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weirdest european travel laws!

Whether you're fancying France or dreaming of Denmark, be warned that Europe is not all culture and croissants! Before you venture across the continent take cover from unexpected travel troubles with the following weird and wacky European laws..



wierd european travel laws


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1. Greece

Stylish stiletto wearers may be thrown off balance upon visiting some of Greek’s ancient monuments- spiky heeled footwear is officially banned at certain archaeological sites.

2. Germany

It may be mecca for revheads but Germany’s notoriously speedy autobahn is no place to take a pit stop! Authorities will slap a hefty fine on you for stopping unnecessarily- even if your fuel tank’s hit empty!

3. UK
According to the 'Salmon Act' it is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances in the UK. Sounds fishy! 

4. Milan
Turn that frown upside down- or else! In Milan, it’s a legal requirement to keep a smile plastered on at all times, apart from funerals or hospital visits. Strictly happy faces, per favore!

5. Florence
Forget fast food; in Florence, it’s a fast offence to eat or drink near the main churches or public buildings. The city’s culture and buildings are deemed too sacred for your mid-morning snack!

6. France

It’s c’est la vie for drivers who fail to carry a breathalyzer in their vehicles in France. Getting behind the wheel without this essential gadget could have you coughing up a few francs!

7. Barcelona

Keep it covered up when taking a beach break in Barcelona. Locals have tired of tourists baring it all and as a result, bikinis and boardies are strictly forbidden past the playa or promenade!

8. Venice

The city of canals is also known for its hordes of pushy pigeons which is why authorities have outlawed bird feeding in popular tourist spots like St Mark’s Square. The practice has been cited as a health hazard and damaging to the city's precious monuments.

9. Netherlands

It’s forbidden to urinate into a canal in Amsterdam. Each year 15 people die while relieving themselves into a canal which propelled authorities to outlaw the act. If you’re desperate, seek a W.C!

10. Russia

Would you believe that frilly knickers are a no-go in the former Soviet Union? That’s right, a total import ban exists on certain synthetic smalls due to their low-grade, poor quality material. No cheeky business allowed!



Further reading

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